
Well, it’s officially begun.  Two people posted on Seth Abramson’s MFA blog, The Suburban Ecstasies, that they were accepted today to one of the programs I applied to.  While it’s still possible that I’ll get a call in a day or two, or that I may be on some kind of waitlist, the reality is that I can probably cross the first school off my list.

In the meantime, there’s nothing I can do but keep busy.  All this MFA stuff is just idle fantasy until someone accepts me, and meanwhile there are real concerns right in front of me.

Although, sort of on the subject: VIDA has run the numbers on the state of women’s representation in literary magazines, and the results are very interesting, if rather disheartening.  It’s a damn sight better than the statistics for women in film that were shared around recently, but still, not a very warming figure.  [Via Jezebel]

Also on the subject of women, my onetime pantomime costar, Laurie Penny, has a thoughtful essay on the word “cunt” over at the New Statesman.

Additionally, Friday is Wear Red Day, so be a lady in red tomorrow to raise awareness about heart disease, the number one killer of women in the country.

5 Things:

“Maryland, a way of life.”

Mocha meringues.


Dalton as Rochester. Not as good as Toby Stephens, but better than William Hurt.

Hope springs eternal.


Filed under Journal

2 responses to ““Warpath”

  1. Casey Ann

    Good luck with the MFA thing. Your very objective Aunt simply does not understand why any program would not beg for your participation.

    That Laurie Penny essay was very interesting. I’ve never thought of the word from that perspective. I’ve been considering posting it on fb, but I’m afraid it may cause a heart attack epidemic in Natchez.

    • hourofgold

      Thanks, very objective Aunt of mine! I, too, think anyone would be crazy not to love me, but of course there’s more to it than raw literary prowess (ha ha).

      Regarding Laurie Penny’s article: yep, I think the heart attack-inducing element is sort of the central issue.

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