“Record Collector”

So for some reason, the post I made yesterday failed to materialize, but it’s there now, so enjoy another part of “Persephone” in addition to today’s post.

First, some miscellany, in handy digest sentence form: the one-armed men with switchblades sit in noctilucent clouds, eating marzipan entrails, only to have it poached by the hawk that lives in the Library of Congress.

Today I asked my students how they would write an essay based on this Subway commercial.  Sometimes teaching is awesome.

No small things today because I didn’t want to risk my life and contravene state law to take a photo of the gorgeous thick white fog over the bridge on my drive to school this morning.

5 Things:

John Jensen-isms. At least I know where I get it.

Lemon pie.

“The Runaways.” More on this soon, I hope.

Rilke’s “Duino Elegies“.

The ticking countdown.


Filed under Journal

6 responses to ““Record Collector”

  1. Casey Ann

    Here is another cute commercial, in case you need it.

  2. Ali

    you had me at “marzipan entrails”

  3. The Swedish Fish

    Doesn’t it seem as though the hawk is part of the murals? that the figure might be lifting her veil to observe, admire the hawk?

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